Please read the following before you proceed with your Membership Application:

The APIEx membership year runs from January – December each year.

Please prepare to make payment of the Membership application fees (comprising the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription Fees) for the 4 categories of membership calculated as follows:

  Associate Provisional Individual Fellow
Entrance Fee
(One Time Upfront and Non-refundable)
$100.00 $100.00 $150.00 $150.00
Annual Subscription Fee
for Full Year
(applications received between Jan - March each year)
$200.00 $250.00 $300.00 $400.00
Total fee $300.00 $350.00 $450.00 $550.00
Prorated Subscription Fees
for 3/4 year (applications received between April - June each year)
$150.00 $187.50 $225.00 $300.00
Total fee $250.00 $287.50 $375.00 $450.00
Prorated Subscription
for 1/2 year (applications received between July - Sept each year)
$100.00 $125.00 $150.00 $200.00
Total fee $200.00 $225.00 $300.00 $350.00
Prorated Subscription
for 1/4 year (applications received between Oct - Dec each year)
$50.00 $62.50 $75.00 $100.00
Total fee $150.00 $162.50 $225.00



Please ensure that you prepare the following supporting documents to be uploaded with your application.


Please ensure that your online application is accompanied by all the following items which APIEx requires from you in order to process your application for the respective Membership category:



Provisional Individual Fellow

1.    Current CV



Required Required

2.   Proof of current registration with Regulatory Body

(APIEx requires all members to have a current registration with their respective regulatory body where there is one.  If your profession does not have such a body, or for some other reason (e.g. retirement) you are not registered, please provide details on a separate page.  You may include details of related company business or employment.)



Required Required

3.   Proof of professional indemnity insurance for expert witness work


Required  Required  Required

4. Full payment of the one-off entrance fee and appropriate annual subscription fee.


Required Required Required

4a.  One anonymised expert report from a closed case written in the last 3 years (compliant with applicable rules or legislation, e.g. Order 40A, CPR Part 35, IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence. Please include appendices.). Please ensure that the date the report was prepared and the forum in which it was served or disclosed are clear from the report or from the accompanying documents.



4b.  Three anonymised expert reports from the last 3 years (compliant with applicable rules or legislation, e.g. Order 40A, CPR Part 35, IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence. Please include appendices.). Please ensure that the date the report was prepared and the forum in which it was served or disclosed are clear from the report or from the accompanying documents.


5. References from three instructing counsel (external or in-house) in the required template [DOWNLOAD HERE] to be distributed by yourself and returned directly to the APIEx.  These references can follow your application but should be received within 1 week of your application.


   Required  Required

6.  A list of every occasion that you have given evidence in court or before a tribunal in the past 2 years



7.  A summary of written evidence provided in past 10 years (case type, name of court or arbitral institution, claimant/defendant)


 8. A summary of work undertaken for pre-trial/hearing conferences, experts’ meetings, mediations and SJE or expert determination appointments


Please proceed to apply for membership online HERE.


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