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WEBINAR: What Judges and Arbitrators Expect from Expert Witnesses (30 November 2021)
Tuesday 30 November 2021, 05:00pm - 06:30pm
Hits : 3532
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Expert witnesses should provide independent assistance to the Court or Tribunal by way of objective unbiased opinion. The selection of and evidence from an expert witness is often crucial to the outcome of a case and cannot be underestimated. Judges and arbitrators rely on the factual evidence given by experts, in areas they may not always be familiar with.

Leigh-Ann will provide the counsel’s and arbitrator’s perspectives and consider:

  • The role of an independent expert
  • Selection of experts and factors to consider
  • Approach to and content of good expert reports
  • ‘Joint’ expert evidence
  • Effective oral expert evidence at the hearing
  • What not to do!

Justice Chan Seng Onn will provide the judge’s perspective and consider:

  • What judges generally expect of expert witnesses
  • What is helpful and what is not helpful in a trial
  • Who is a good expert witness
  • Some examples from previous cases of good and bad experts

05:00 – 05:05pm

Opening Remarks by Chairperson  
Prof. Leslie Chew SC - President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Senior Consultant, RHT Law Asia LLP, Singapore 
05.05 – 05.45pm

What Judges and Arbitrators Expect from Expert Witnesses - Counsel’s and Arbitrator’s Points of View


  • Ms. Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC - Silk, Fountain Court Chambers


  • Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC -Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP

05.45 – 06.15pm

What Judges and Arbitrators Expect from Expert Witnesses - The Judge’s Perspective


  • Justice Chan Seng Onn – High Court Judge, Supreme Court of Singapore


  • Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC -Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP

06.15 - 06.25pm

Q & A moderated by:

Prof. Leslie Chew SC - President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Senior Consultant, RHT Law Asia LLP, Singapore

06.25 - 6.30pm

Closing Remarks

 About the Speakers/Commentator

Justice Chan Seng Onn – High Court Judge, Supreme Court of Singapore
Justice Chan Seng Onn was appointed a High Court Judge in 2007. 

Born in Singapore, he received his Bachelor of Laws from the National University of Singapore in 1986, and Master of Laws from Cambridge University in 1987.

He joined the Singapore Legal Service in 1987 and became State Counsel and Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC). Subsequently, he was posted to Supreme Court as Senior Assistant Registrar in 1991, before returning to AGC as Senior State Counsel in 1994. He was appointed Judicial Commissioner on 15 October 1997. In 2001, he returned to AGC as Solicitor-General. He was appointed Senior Counsel in 2001.

Before joining the legal service, Justice Chan was a Colombo Plan scholar. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University College, London. This was followed by a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and a Diploma in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore.  


Ms. Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC - Silk, Fountain Court Chambers
Leigh-Ann is a leading advocate who is a member of Fountain Court Chambers (London & Singapore) and also has roles as Deputy High Court Judge, President of the Panel of Senior Decision-Makers at the Guernsey Financial Services Commission (from 1 January 2021), international commercial arbitrator and mediator. She is also called to the Bar of the Republic of Ireland. Her practice includes insurance and reinsurance, financial services, product liability, professional negligence and discipline, public law and commercial disputes. She works both domestically and internationally, including in Asia (where she is a Registered Foreign Lawyer, Singapore International Commercial Court) and the Caribbean. As a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, she handles many cases involving heavy technical, expert and statistical evidence. Leigh-Ann is currently working on various COVID-19 related issues and was instructed by the UK Financial Conduct Authority in its test case on the validity of business interruption insurance claims.  She has acted for the UK Government for many years and was First Counsel to the Welsh Government from 2013 to 2016. Described as “a very clear, polished and persuasive advocate who definitely has the ear of the court”, Leigh-Ann has specialisms in appellate advocacy and cases involving multi-party litigation. In addition to her courtroom skills, where one comments that “…judges love her”, she is described as “absolute pleasure to work with”.
Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC -Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP  
Gregory’s present practice encompasses a specialization in banking and corporate insolvency as well as litigation, arbitration and mediation of commercial disputes and chancery matters. He is also a recognized expert in charities governance and has given expert witness testimony for overseas court proceedings. Gregory graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1992, was admitted to the Singapore Bar in 1993 and joined Rajah & Tann LLP after being in practice in two other leading law firms for 15 years (jointly heading the Banking and Insolvency Litigation Practice group of another leading law firm). Gregory was appointed Senior Counsel in 2019. Gregory presently serves as President of the Law Society and Vice President of the Singapore Academy of Law. He has also been appointed as a Fellow of the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.

 About the Chairperson/Moderator

Prof. Leslie Chew SC - President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Senior Consultant, RHT Law Asia LLP, Singapore
Prof. Leslie Chew SC is the founding and current Dean of the School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences.  He has practiced law in one form or another for over 4 decades.  He was appointed Senior Counsel in 2000.  In 2007 he was appointed a judge in the State Courts where he remained until his retirement in 2014.  At the State Courts he was the Senior District Judge leading the Civil Justice Division.  He retired from the judiciary in 2014. Upon his retirement from the Singapore Legal Service, he returned to law practice. Currently, he is a Senior Consultant at RHT Law Asia LLP.  He has an active practice as an arbitrator in International Commercial Arbitrations.


Registration Fees

 Registration Closing Date: 26 November 2021

(includes Webinar Materials, if any)

APIEx Members

Member of Reciprocal Partners:

1. Singapore Chambers of Maritime Arbitrations (SCMA)

2. Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)

Others S$90

 Download Brochure HERE

Continuing Professional Development

Practice Area: Others/Multi-Disciplinary
Training Level: General
Public CPD Points: 1.5 


Location Zoom Webinar
Registrations are now closed
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