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SEMINAR: HEAD TO HEAD: “What Lawyers And Experts Say About Each Other (and How Arbitrators/Judges Manage)” (9 February 2023, 5.00pm - 6.30pm (GMT +8))
Thursday 09 February 2023, 05:00pm - 06:30pm
Hits : 4107
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Seminar Synopsis

Inherent tensions can exist in the roles that Counsel and Experts play in the arbitral or judicial process that often require careful navigation to ensure their respective duties are properly fulfilled. Balancing the competing demands of advocacy vs neutrality, expertise vs consultation, interests of the client vs the duty to the tribunal or Court, have real consequences that spill over into the reality of everyday decisions made by both Counsel and Expert. How often have you heard Experts say:

  • "I could not make any progress at the joint meeting of experts because their expert told their lawyer that he cannot make a concession that he would otherwise agree." 
  • "Allow their lawyers to use their report as submissions".
  • "fail to understand what is hearsay and what is not."

Or Counsel say:

  • “You are not to be a hired gun but could you just write this?”
  • “This case will never go to court so could you write this to make it a strong report.”

In this seminar, we will cover these, and other, points and take a tongue-in-cheek approach to peeling back some of these real challenges with a view to equipping both Counsel and Experts to better deal with them.

Our panel of a seasoned expert, an experienced lawyer and leading King’s Counsel in international arbitration promises to make this an informative yet fun session!

Seminar Programme 

04:45 – 05:00pm


05.00 – 05.05pm
Welcome Remarks
Moderator: Ms. Sapna Jhangiani KC, Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator

05.05- 06.05pm

What Lawyers and Experts Say about Each Other:
  • Mr. Paul Aston – Certified Foreign Consultant, AsiaLegal LLC; Accredited Mediator and Arbitrator
  • John Gibson – Director of Asia, Marine Engineer, Brookes Bell

And How Arbitrators/Judges Manage:

  • Ms. Sapna Jhangiani KC - Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator

06.05- 6.25pm

Moderated Panel Discussion and Q & A
 6.25 - 6.30pm
Closing Remarks

 About the Speakers

Mr. John Gibson – Director of Asia, Marine Engineer, Brookes Bell

John was at sea for twenty years before joining the Brookes Bell in 1996. He is a Chartered Engineer, with a Master’s degree, and in 2001 John became a partner at Brookes Bell. An expert in his field, John uses his extensive consultancy and investigative experience to provide comprehensive assessments of marine and offshore casualties and disputes. The type of investigations John conducts are as diverse as they are thorough. As a member of the Institution of Fire Engineers John also reports on fatal and non-fatal fires. John has provided technical evidence for court proceedings and arbitration around the world and gives advice to owners on emerging technologies and their requirements. From 2012 he has been based in Singapore having set up the Brookes Bell office there and currently oversees their three Asia offices. More recently John has been seconded to Houston to oversee the start of Brookes Bell’s expansion into the US region. John is also a supporting member of the LMAA, a member of SCMA and a Fellow and founding member of APIEx.

Mr. Paul Aston – Certified Foreign Consultant, AsiaLegal LLC; Accredited Mediator and Arbitrator

Paul has substantial experience of acting for parties in international litigation, arbitration and mediation in several jurisdictions. Where appropriate, he acts as an advocate. He advises on commercial transactions and projects in the maritime, offshore and commodity sectors (mainly Oil and Gas). Paul specialises in all aspects of shipping, transport and insurance, down and midstream oil and gas transactions, ship building, ship repair disputes; advising shipyards and buyers on contracts for the construction of various offshore structures, (rigs/FPSO) as well as their utilisation offshore. He is regarded as being good at working with experts, quick to pick up on technical concepts, in construction and engineering, and burdened with a mild obsession for attention to detail.  Paul is an FCIArb accredited lawyer, CEDR accredited mediator and has obtained English Court Higher Rights of Audience (Civil) - an advocacy qualification. He has more than 23 years of working in Asia as a foreign certified lawyer in Singapore (which included founding the HFW Singapore office) and has also served in HFW's London, Shanghai and Hong Kong offices. Since August 2022, Paul has been a consultant certified foreign lawyer at AsiaLegal LLC.  He is always pleased to accept appointments as an arbitrator and a mediator and has a passion for mediation.

 About the Moderator

Ms. Sapna Jhangiani KC - Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator

Sapna Jhangiani KC has over two decades’ experience as Counsel or arbitrator in commercial disputes seated in diverse jurisdictions such as London, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Malaysia, the Cayman Islands and Mauritius. Sapna has practised in London, New York, Dubai and Singapore and is dual-qualified as an English barrister, and an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore. She has appeared before a wide spectrum of Tribunals, including the UK Supreme Court, International Commercial Courts at first instance and appellate level, and the Supreme Court of Singapore. She is currently International Legal Counsel at the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Singapore, alongside which she maintains a practice as arbitrator and mediator. Sapna is a Fellow and Chartered Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and is Chair of the Singapore Branch of the Institute. She is also an editor of Investor State Law Guide. She is ranked in all the main legal directories, and was named by Asia Law Business Journal as one of the top 15 female lawyers in Asia. 


Registration Fees



APIEx Members

Member of:

1. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

2. High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)

3. Singapore Chambers of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)

4. Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)

5. Society of Construction Law (Singapore) (SCL(S))

Others S$90

Download Brochure HERE


Continuing Professional Development

Practice Area: Civil Procedure
Training Level: Update
Public CPD Points: 1.5 


Location Room 901, Level 9 NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989
Registrations are now closed
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