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WEBINAR: To Conclave, or Not to Conclave: Issues and Pitfalls of Joint Expert Meetings (13 September 2023, 5.00pm - 6.30pm (GMT +8))
Wednesday 13 September 2023, 05:00pm - 06:30pm
Hits : 3536
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Webinar Synopsis

This webinar will discuss key types of and issues relating to meetings between expert witnesses:

-  Identifying the agenda for meetings between experts
-  Meetings directed by the court or arbitrator
-  Meetings between expert witnesses and other professionals 
-  'On site' meetings
-  'Without prejudice' meetings
-  Whether clients or legal teams should be present
-  Failure of experts to meet
-  The preparation of a joint report
-  Dangers arising from meetings between experts
Webinar Programme 

05:00 – 05:05pm

Opening Remarks by Chairperson
Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC – Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Immediate Past President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP
05.05 – 06.05pm
Presentation: To Conclave, or Not to Conclave: Issues and pitfalls of Joint Expert Meetings
Mr. Mark Tottenham BL – Barrister, The Bar of Ireland; Author, The Reliable Expert Witness (2021)

06.05- 06.25pm

Moderated Panel Discussion and Q & A
  • Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC -  Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Immediate Past President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP


  • Mr. Jonathan Ellis – Partner, HKA, Singapore
  • Ms. Jenny Teo –Head of Forensic Accounting (SEA), McLarens
  • Mr. Mark Tottenham BL – Barrister, The Bar of Ireland; Author, The Reliable Expert Witness (2021)
 6.25 - 6.30pm
Closing Remarks

 About the Speaker

Mr. Mark Tottenham – Barrister, The Bar of Ireland; Author, The Reliable Expert Witness (2021)

Mark Tottenham is a barrister and mediator, based in Dublin, Ireland, practising in the areas of property and probate. He is a member of the international Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
He is the author of The Reliable Expert Witness (Clarus Press, 2021), a 'how to' guide for expert and professional witnesses who need to give evidence or write reports for court proceedings in common law countries. One experienced civil engineer and arbitrator wrote of it: “Excellent and thorough resource for expert witness work. Insightful and cleverly written by Mark Tottenham. Highly recommend.”
He was also the lead author of A Guide to Expert Witness Evidence (Bloomsbury, 2019), the leading Irish textbook on the subject of expert evidence, and the winner of the Practical Book of the Year prize awarded by the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association. Mark was the founding editor of, a law reporting service that provides a short summary of every judgment delivered by the Irish superior courts. He is also an award-winning podcaster, and is  one of the presenters of The Fifth Court podcast, which discusses legal issues.".

 About the Panellists

Mr. Jonathan Ellis - Partner, HKA, Singapore

Jonathan Ellis is a partner at HKA and is based in the Singapore office. He specialises in the quantification of damages and valuations, in particular in dispute contexts. He has worked on matters before the UK and Singapore High Courts as well as in ad hoc, SIAC, LCIA, ICC, HKIAC, UNCITRAL and ICSID arbitration forums. He has provided oral testimony on a number of occasions, in both court and arbitration, and has been engaged as a tribunal appointed expert. Since 2017, Jonathan has been recognised among the leading arbitration expert witnesses worldwide by Who's Who Legal, where he has been classified as a “Global Elite Thought Leader” and a “National Leader” in the inaugural Southeast Asia Arbitration list.

Jenny Teo

Ms. Jenny Teo - Head of Forensic Accounting (SEA), McLarens

Jenny is the Head of Forensic Accounting (SEA) at McLarens, a global claims management and loss adjusting company. She is regularly appointed on insurance claims measuring economic losses as well as commercial litigation disputes quantifying damages. She has been involved in the preparation of expert accounting evidence and expert witness reports since 2004 for mediation, arbitration and trial on behalf of defendants and claimants on a wide variety of disputes. She has provided expert witness testimony in Court and arbitration; and assisted in mediation and settlement negotiations between parties. She has been appointed as a Fellow of the Asia Pacific Institute of Experts and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. She was recently empanelled as an Arbitrator with the Asian International Arbitration Centre, Malaysia.

  About the Moderator

Mr. Gregory Vijayendran SC – Vice President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Immediate Past President, Law Society of Singapore; Partner, Dispute Resolution, Rajah & Tan LLP

Gregory’s present practice encompasses a specialization in banking and corporate insolvency as well as litigation, arbitration and mediation of commercial disputes and chancery matters. He is also a recognised expert in charities governance and has given expert witness testimony for overseas court proceedings. Gregory graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1992, was admitted to the Singapore Bar in 1993 and joined Rajah & Tann LLP after being in practice in two other leading law firms for 15 years (jointly heading the Banking and Insolvency Litigation Practice group of another leading law firm). Gregory was appointed Senior Counsel in 2019. Gregory presently serves as Immediate Past President of the Law Society. He has also been appointed as a Fellow of the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Singapore, the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and the Singapore Institute of Directors.

Registration Fees



APIEx Members

Member of:

1. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

2. High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)

3. Singapore Chambers of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)

4. Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)

5. Society of Construction Law (Singapore) (SCL(S))


Expert on IPOS’ List of Experts

Others S$90

Download Brochure HERE

Continuing Professional Development

Practice Area: Civil Procedure
Training Level: Update
Public CPD Points: 1.5


Location Via Zoom
Registrations are now closed
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