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Membership Accreditation Course 2024 (3rd Run) (18 April 2024, 9.00am - 6.00pm (GMT +8))
Thursday 18 April 2024, 09:00am - 06:00pm
Hits : 11716
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Membership Accreditation Course Synopsis

This Course seeks to provide an introduction to the world of experts and expert evidence and will examine the role of evidence in disputes resolution, both in the courts and before other tribunals such as arbitral tribunals.  Participants will be acquainted with the law relating to opinion evidence (expert testimony), the role of experts in dispute resolution and the relevant Singapore law applicable to expert evidence.

For this intake of the Course, participants will have the option to:

  1. Attend the full-day Certification Course and including one of two Specialist Tracks; OR
  2. Attend the Foundational Module, Revision Session and Examination; OR
  3. Attend the Foundation Module only (no Certificate of Completion issued).

The Specialist Tracks are an enhancement from the inaugural run of the Course conducted in 2022 and will be held in breakout groups which each focus on the specific nuances of giving evidence as: (A) a marine expert or (B) a finance/valuation expert.  

Each of these tracks will be led by 1-2 seasoned expert witnesses from these disciplines, who will provide technical and practical advice around providing both written and oral evidence.

The Course will be useful for those who come from a technical background with aspirations of acting as an expert witness.  It would also provide a ‘basic refresher’ for those who are already practising as expert witnesses.

Who Should Attend 

All those who practise as experts, lawyers and those who instruct lawyers and experts as well as those aspiring to practise as experts.

Completion of the Course

To complete the Course successfully and be awarded with aCertificate of Completion, a candidate must:

(a)  Achieve 100% attendance at Foundational Module and Revision Session; and

(b)  Pass the 90-minute written assessment (passing mark 80%).

Successful completion of the Course would entitle applicants for membership in APIEx to the following exemptions:

  • Individual Member applications: Waiver of the requirement for a specimen report.
  • Fellow applications:  Waiver of one specimen report (out of the three required).

APIEx is pleased to announce that the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) now recognises that: 

  1. experts with a minimum 10 years of experience in IA/IP valuation (with no prior experience acting as an expert witness or assessor); and 
  2. who successfully complete APIEx's Membership Accreditation Course 2024 (3rd run), 

will meet the criteria for being listed on IPOS' List of IA/IP Valuation Experts.


09:00 - 09:15

09.15 - 09.45
Introduction by Course Director
Prof. Leslie Chew SC - President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Consultant, Peter Low Chambers LLP, Singapore

09.45 - 11.15

Foundational Module:

  • Overview of the Dispute Process
  • Law of Evidence
  • Court Processes and Arbitration

11:15 - 11:30

Tea Break

11.30 - 13.00

Specialist Tracks:

Track A – Marine Experts:
This session will cover the various forms of arbitration/hearing and the preconceived expectations of marine experts but how that differs in reality. Also we will be covering how to deal with partisan opponent experts’ behaviour, including a workshop/exercise for attendees using a marine-based fact scenario. It will also workshop strategies to recognise and deal with clients attempting to influence experts.

  • Dr Tim Moss – Director of Science Asia, Brookes Bell Singapore

Track B – Finance/Valuation Experts:
The finance/valuation track will focus on the issues that finance and valuation experts are likely to encounter in the course of their work as party-appointed experts, joint experts and shadow experts.  The track leader(s) will highlight common pitfalls that the litigation process can present for finance and valuation experts and, through open discussions on a series of real world case studies, invite participants to consider the steps that finance and valuation experts should take to uphold their overriding obligation to the Courts or Tribunals before which they appear.

  • Ms. Srividya Gopal - Managing Director & Southeast Asia Leader, Valuation Advisory Services, Kroll
  • Mr. Iain Potter - Executive Vice President, J.S. Held LLC

13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 14:45
Revision Session:
Discussion of Problems/Hypotheticals
14:45 - 15:15

Self-study and preparation for examination

15:15 - 16:45


16:45 - 17:00

Post examination administration

17:00 - 18:00

Networking Drinks

About the Course Faculty


Prof. Leslie Chew SC - President, Asia Pacific Institute of Experts; Dean, School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences; Consultant, Peter Low Chambers LLP, Singapore

Prof. Leslie Chew SC is the founding and current Dean of the School of Law at the Singapore University of Social Sciences.  He has practiced law in one form or another for over 4 decades.  He was appointed Senior Counsel in 2000.  In 2007 he was appointed a judge in the State Courts where he remained until his retirement in 2014.  At the State Courts he was the Senior District Judge leading the Civil Justice Division.  He retired from the judiciary in 2014. Upon his retirement from the Singapore Legal Service, he returned to law practice. Currently, he is a Consultant at Peter Low Chambers LLP.  He has an active practice as an arbitrator in International Commercial Arbitrations.   


Ms. Srividya Gopal - Managing Director & Southeast Asia Leader, Valuation Advisory Services, Kroll

Ms. Srividya Gopal is Managing Director & Southeast Asia Leader, Valuation Advisory Services at Kroll (formerly Duff & Phelps). She has 26 years of experience in valuations and transactions. She has advised numerous companies on valuations for the purposes of financial reporting, transaction, restructuring, taxation, dispute resolution and financing. She is a member of the Business Valuation Board of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), the global standard setter for valuation. She is a former member of the Institute of Valuers & Appraisers of Singapore (IVAS) Council and chaired their Professional Development Working Group as well as a former member of the global Regulatory Board of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). She is a member of the Intangible Asset (IA) Disclosure Industry Working Group set up by Singapore Government agencies. She has worked on several litigation matters.  She is on the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) IP Valuation Expert Witness List.


Dr. Tim Moss – Director of Science Asia, Brookes Bell Singapore

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a Masters in toxicology, Dr. Tim Moss began a research assistantship for Unilever UK whilst conducting PhD in occupational and environmental toxicology. After obtaining his doctorate, Tim became a toxicology study director at AgrEvo, an agrochemical company which is now Sanofi. Tim joined Brookes Bell London in 2000 and since then has focused on investigating the cause, nature, and extent of damage to a wide variety of commodities, typically but not exclusively involving marine transport.  Being a scientist at Brookes Bell has seen Tim travel to over 50 countries, attend on hundreds of vessels and give evidence in over 20 mediations, arbitrations including LMAA, FOSFA, GAFTA and court hearings in several jurisdictions including numerous Chinese courts, New Orleans, New York, Hong Kong, London and Singapore. 

Mr. Iain Potter - Executive Vice President, J.S. Held LLC

Mr. Iain Potter is a Chartered Accountant, qualified in both the UK (ICAEW) and Singapore (ISCA), specialising in complex loss of profit and valuation engagements and he has been based in Singapore since 2014. Iain is recognised as a leading expert by Who’s Who Legal, with clients praising his "matter-of-fact approach to drafting reports and giving testimony", adding that "He is a fantastic expert witness for quantum, valuation and forensic accounting." Outside of his expert appointments, Iain is a member of the adjunct faculty at the National University of Singapore’s Business School, where he lectures on damages quantum and business valuation disputes. He is also pursuing a number of lines of research, currently including a PhD focusing on the extent to which awards of damages reflect risk and uncertainty.


Registration Fees

Full-day Course
(including  Specialist Track Revision and Exam)
Foundational Module, with Revision & Exam  Foundational Module Only (with tea-break, no Certificate issued) 

Member of:
1. Asia Pacific Institute of Experts (APIEx)

S$350  S$250 S$90 

Member of:

1. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)

2. Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)

3. Chartered Institute of Building (Singapore) (CIOB)

4. Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)

5. Institute of Valuers and Appraisers, Singapore (IVAS)

6. Lighthouse Club Singapore (LHC(S))

7. Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA)

8. Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP)

9. Society of Construction Law (Singapore) (SCL(S))

10. Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb)

11. Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Singapore Branch) (STEP (Singapore Branch))

S$450 S$350   S$130
Expert on IPOS’ List of Experts S$450   S$350 S$130 
Others S$550  S$450 S$180 

Download Brochure HERE.

Registration Closing Date: 17 April 2024

Continuing Professional Development

Membership Accreditation Course 2024-
(Foundational Module only)
Public CPD Points: 2 
Practice Area: Civil Procedure
Training Level: General


Silver Term Sponsors:                           Venue & Silver Term Sponsor:





Location Singapore University of Social Sciences, Seminar Room C.7.13, Block C, Level 7, 463 Clementi Road, Singapore 599494
Registrations are now closed
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